
Global Congress Registration Now Open!

Claire Palo, December 18, 2019

Registration is now open!  Head to the 2020 Global congress page to learn more about the Congress, Leaders Conference and next Teachers Intensive happening in November 2020 in Sarajevo.  The planning committee will be working to design a great program with a wide range of topics incorporating the theme of “Finding Peace Across Inner and Outer Borders”.  We are very ... Read more

New Rosen Method marketing materials

Claire Palo, November 15, 2019

The Rosen Institute Board has developed a new leaflet for bodywork practitioners to use in their professional practice.  We hope these materials will provide our members with clear and concise language to talk about the work they do and the unique benefits of the Rosen Method.   The leaflet can be personalized with professional contact details and a photo.   Visit ... Read more

Leaders Conference and Teachers Intensive added to 2020 Global Congress

Claire Palo, October 4, 2019

The next Global Congress in Sarajevo, BiH November 5 – 8 will be held at the Hotel Hollywood.  Over the years, the hotel has hosted many intensives and is well versed in supporting Rosen Method events.  The organizing team are so happy to be able to host the congress here and are working to keep costs affordable so as many ... Read more

The First Introductory Workshop in Lithuania

Claire Palo,

Through an invitation by a Lithuanian woman living in Switzerland, a new chapter has begun to bring the work across borders to a new country. This woman is convinced that Lithuanian people need this work and are ready for it. So we started to organize a year ago with lots of help and efforts on ... Read more

New Webinar – September 10th

Claire Palo, July 1, 2019

Exploring the Anatomy and Function of the Diaphragm September 10th, 2019 – 10:30am PST With Louisa Turner, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner, Workshop Teacher and Physiotherapist  Louisa Turner will be leading the next RI webinar on September 10th.  This webinar will look at the anatomy and function of the diaphragm. The intimate connection it has with the ribs, breath ... Read more

Next Global Congress – Sarajevo, November 2020

Claire Palo, April 23, 2019

The next Global Congress will be held November 5 – 8, 2020 in Sarajevo, BiH.  Our Balkan colleagues have graciously offered to co-host this wonderful event and share the strong enthusiasm, inspiration and successes that the Rosen Method community has fostered and achieved in the Balkan region.  The theme of this congress will incorporate concepts of inclusion and unity through diversity. There will ... Read more

A New School in Sarajevo, BiH

Claire Palo,

Over the last 14 years, Annika Minnbergh, Yrsa Kjerrgren, Lotta Johansson and many more at Axelsons Sweden and in the Balkans have organized trainings and grown the Rosen Method community in the Balkan region.  The final steps have now been taken and a formal school has been created. This is a great achievement for all those involved! We ... Read more

Venez rencontrer le comité exécutif du Rosen Institute! Upoznajte tim Izvršnog Odbora Знакомство с Командой управления

Claire Palo, October 16, 2018

In May 2018, the Rosen Institute hosted a series of meetings to “Meet the Board Executive Team”. Rosen Method professionals and students had the chance to meet the Board Executive Team, learn more about the Rosen Institute and how the Rosen Institute supports the Rosen Method professional community worldwide.  It was a great opportunity to connect ... Read more

Austrian School Congratulates Their First Graduates

Claire Palo, June 21, 2018

Rosen Method Austria is happy to announce their first three certified practitioners from Vienna, Austria: Angela Meierschitz, Marika Lichtenberg and Helga Blaschke (left to right). There will be an official celebration for them on June 19 during the summer intensive with Bill Samsel, Mary Kay Wright and Adrienne Stone in Payerbach, a small mountain resort near Vienna. Austrian students, ... Read more

New Online Members Area Now Available!

Claire Palo, April 10, 2018

It’s here!  After months of hard work, our online members area is now available to members.  Many of you will have already received your login information.  If not please check your email or contact info@roseninstitute.net.  If you are not a member and would like to join, register online. The new members area is full of additional resources and information ... Read more