Volume 13 Issue 2 | 2020
Editorial & AnnouncementsCarol Cober , MS, LPC, LMT, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner, Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Massage TherapistPractice
Newly Formed Rosen Gender Group: Opening A Community ConversationGail Barry Bourque , Psy. D., P.T. Rosen Method Bodywork PractitionerCommentary on Alan Fogel’s Three States of Embodied Self-Awareness in Rosen Method Bodywork: Part 1: Practitioner Observation of their Clients; Part 2: Practitioner Observations of their Own Experiences; Part 3: Practitioner Post-Session Notes (Rosen Method International Journal, Vol 13, Issue 2, 2020)Anette Kögler , M.A., Rosen Method Bodywork Intern, Stress Reduction and Relaxation Coach, Restorative Yoga TeacherAn Initial Inquiry: Thoughts on Rosen Method and Spirituality, Part 1John Bosman , D.D., Bodywork Practitioner, Movement TeacherCarol Cober , MS, LPC, LMT, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner, Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Massage TherapistCatherine MacGuinness , RN, PHN; Bodywork Practitioner, Movement Teacher, Introductory Workshop TeacherJill Breslau , J.D., M.A.; Bodywork PractitionerJane Pittsinger , P.T.; Bodywork Intensive Teacher, Bodywork Practitioner, Movement Teacher, Introductory Workshop Teacher, Primary SupervisorAn Initial Inquiry: Thoughts on Rosen Method and Spirituality, Part 2John Bosman , D.D., Bodywork Practitioner, Movement TeacherJill Breslau , J.D., M.A.; Bodywork PractitionerCarol Cober , MS, LPC, LMT, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner, Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Massage TherapistCatherine MacGuinness , RN, PHN; Bodywork Practitioner, Movement Teacher, Introductory Workshop TeacherJane Pittsinger , P.T.; Bodywork Intensive Teacher, Bodywork Practitioner, Movement Teacher, Introductory Workshop Teacher, Primary Supervisor