3-Day Men’s Workshop – Sarajevo, BiH

3 Days Men’s workshop in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

With Martial Duvoisin (F) Workshop teacher and Nermin Samic (Bosnia) Workshop teacher

For a while there has been a demand to have workshops just for men in the Rosen Method. Therefore we are organizing this workshop in this very special place that is Sarajevo, lead by two men from different cultures, feeling the same connection the the Rosen Method.

Why men only? Because men and women are raised differently in life, being just with men can make it easier to discover how we hold back our life force and strength and how we can let go of our limitations. The Rosen process, through touch and language, helps to allow authentic being. We learn from each other and support the growing of all of us.

The workshop counts as an introductory workshop

Preis: EUR 230.

PlaceWill take place at the Hotel Hollywood in Sarajevo,

Preis per night EUR 35.- with breakfast included.

When booking a room please mention Rosen Seminar: http://hotel-hollywood.ba

To register: duvoisin@gmx.de