NEXT RI Webinar – Re-imagining your relationship to touch, presence & Rosen Method

Re-imagining your relationship to touch, presence and the Rosen Method

October 5th @  9am PDT/ 18h CEST

Vehbija Peksin is a Rosen Method bodywork practitioner and a co-founder of the Balkan Rosen Method school.  A practitioner for 18 years, Vehbija initiated the first Rosen Method courses in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2004.

As a person with impaired sight, Vehbija represents a minority in the Rosen Method professional community.  He has a unique perspective and relationship to the Rosen Method that he will be sharing during an interview with Annika Minnbergh, senior Rosen Method teacher and longtime colleague and friend of Vehbija.

Join us on October 5th for an opportunity to re-imagine your relationship to touch, self-awareness, presence and the Rosen Method. Vehbija hopes his experience can help Rosen Method professionals to enhance and hone additional capabilities to deepen their understanding of Rosen Method practice and their awareness and presence when working with clients. As Vehbija expresses:

“I would like [people with impaired sight] to be better understood and accepted, so that more people with impaired sight would attend Rosen Method courses and be accepted as clients…Rosen Method has helped me a lot to find my inner peace, so I want to point to the importance of the Rosen Method as an independent vocation, and/or complementary form to other vocations such as:  physiotherapy, medicine, rehabilitation, psychology and more.  I look forward to sharing my personal experiences and practical examples to bring more awareness and knowledge to the RM community”


More about Vehbija:

Vehbija has written numerous publications on Rosen Method, physical medicine and rehabilitation and massage.  He has spoken on both TV and radio at the local and state level and introduced Rosen Method to students of psychology and special pedagogy at Sarajevo University.

For the last four years, Vehbija has been an active member of the Presidency for Blind and People With Impaired Sight in Stockholm and the Gotland district in Sweden, as well as the president of the International Committee on several mandates.

He is an active fundraiser for humanitarian aid and supports multiple educational initiatives and the development of the Association of Blind People in Canton Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Publications and Appearances:

  • Audio recording: “Vježba za tijelo” (Exercise for the body); “Instrukcije i program vježbi kod bolova u donjem dijelu leđa” (Instructions and Program of Exercises for the Pain in the Lower Part of the Loins);
  • Audio and Written publications: (“Uloga fizioterapeuta u rehabilitacijskim procesima i ličnom razvoju osoba sa oštećenim vidom” (The Role of the Physiotherapist in the Rehabilitation Process and Personal Development of People With Impaired Sight); ”Govorom tijela do zadovoljstva u duši” (Body Language to the Content of the Soul) co-author with the specialist of physical medicine Mirsad  Muftić; “Šta vidiš kada me vidiš”, (What do You See When You See Me);  “Putokazi za bolji život” and in English, “Sign Posts for a Better Life” co-authored with Lidija Pehar PhD;  “Metoda Rozen “Putokaz do unutarnjeg mira i svjetlosti duše”, (Soul and Body Language) co-authored with Lidija Pehar PhD; “The Rosen Method – A Signpost to Inner Peace and the Brightness of the Soul”.  This book has been translated into Braille Alphabet, and might be the first book about RM available to this population.