Happy New Year! – See Whats Happening in Winter 2019

Wishing You a Happy New Year from the Rosen Institute!

As we turn to 2019 with anticipation, we also want to take a moment to acknowledge all the wonderful accomplishments that came in 2018.  Our Board members and committees continued their dedicated efforts to build a strong foundation for our professional community, expanding the organizational and professional policies as well as our member benefits.  We thank the whole Board for their time and the considerable contributions they have gave to the Rosen Institute in 2018.

Looking to 2019, we will continue our CE webinars and our community outreach through the Meet the Executive Team meetings which will be held in German, Finnish and Norwegian.

Reminder About 2019 Membership Renewal

We want to remind all our members that with the launch of the online Members Area, our membership policy changed.  Membership renewal is no longer due on January 1st.  Instead, you will be automatically reminded to renew, via email, when your membership is due (1 year from the date you registered).

When your membership is due, you will need to sign into the Members Area to renew.  Please contact Claire (info@roseninstitutenet) if you have any questions or difficulties with the renewal process.

Treffen Sie dem Exekutiv-Komitees des RI

Liebe Mitglieder der Rosen-Methode Community,

das Rosen Institut (RI) ist dabei eine Reihe von Treffen mit dem Exekutiv-Komitees  des RI in verschiedenen Sprachen zu organisieren, um Euch die Gelegenheit zu geben mehr über die Aufgaben und Aktivitäten des Exekutiv-Teams  zu erfahren, Fragen zu stellen sowie Kennnisse darüber zu bekommen, wie das RI die professionelle Community weltweit unterstützt.

Geplant sind Treffen über Zoom mit Praktizierenden, Interns und Schüler/innen.

Das nächste Treffen wird in deutscher Sprache stattfinden. Wir hoffen, dass du Zeit und Lust hast daran teilzunehmen.

Datum: 14.1.2019 um 19.30 (deutsche Zeit)

Bitte klicke untenstehenden link um dich für das Treffen zu registrieren.


Wir freuen uns dich zu sehen.

New Journal Issue Out Now!

A new issue of the Rosen Method International Journal is now available to read on the website here.  The Rosen Method International Journal is intended to be a free online resource for all individuals who have an interest in Rosen Method in particular and in somatic practices in general. The goal is to continue to offer articles that develop a deeper understanding of the clinical practice and related applied issues, innovative movement approaches and perspectives on collaborating with other professions.

In this issue you will find ”Creating a Safe Space for Rosen Trainings” by Anais Salibian, and ”Fixations in Time: A term from phenomenology as applied to Rosen Method Bodywork” by Anette Vinston Ritz.   As well, Anais Salibian and Ivy Green give us a look at the history of the Rosen Method Open Center and their current mission and programming.