Weekly Bodywork Training – Rosen Method Berkeley Center – Mar 19 – May 21 March 19 – May 21 Weekly Bodywork Training Monday Nights 4:30-9:30pm with Sara Webb Rudramamdir 1830 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA To register: www.rosenmethod.com Event details:Start date19 maaliskuun, 2018End date19 maaliskuun, 2018Google Calendar iCal feed URL https://roseninstitute.net/?rhc_action=get_icalendar_events&ID=2272 Get Feed for iCal (Google Calendar). This is for subscribing to the events in the Calendar. Add this URL to either iCal (Mac) or Google Calendar, or any other calendar that supports iCal Feed. Download ICS file Organizer details:OrganizerRosen Method: The Berkeley CenterPhone+1 (510) 845-6606Emailinfo@rosenmethod.comWebsitewww.rosenmethod.comVenue DetailsVenueInformation