Rosen Method Movement – Intensive Workshop – Veredas – Centro de Educacion Corporal
Intensive Workshop from November 12th to 16th, from 10 to 5 pm.
Explore the limits created by chronic tension and Restore your body’s natural capacity for breathing, moving, relaxing and expressing.
Rosen Method Movement is based on physiotherapy:
• It is simple, practical and profound.
• Gives back the complete range of movement that you are meant to have, through ease, rhythm, sense-awareness and relaxation.
• Clarifies your inner perception, revealing your patters of chronic tension
• Prevents and rehabilitates injuries
• Reawakens joy, well being, and health.
Come if you are interested in:
• Releasing chronic tension and improving your posture
• Experiencing the vitality of non-efforted movement
• Furthering your self- knowledge and body-mind integration
• Enriching your professional bodywork or movement practice
• Being trained and certified as a Rosen Method Movement teacher.
The Workshop will be led by Theresa García, an experienced Senior Teacher in Rosen Movement and Bodywork, and Lourdes Nicolau specialist in Body Consciousness. The intensive follows the International standards of the Rosen Institute for training and certification.
Previous interview for new participants.
Cost: $ 350 Us dls.
Veredas Patriotismo 767, tower 2, third floor.Mixcoac.
T. office (001)52 5555988804
For more information please click here or contact