Volume 8 Issue 1 | 2015
EditorialAlan Fogel , Ph.D., L.M.T., Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Senior Teacher, Editor Emeritus, Rosen Method International Journal
Trauma Therapy with Rosen Method BodyworkAnaïs Salibian , RMB Practitioner, Senior Bodywork TeacherAction Editor Alan Fogel , Ph.D., L.M.T., Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Senior Teacher, Editor Emeritus, Rosen Method International JournalTraumebehandling med RosenmetodenAnaïs Salibian , RMB Practitioner, Senior Bodywork TeacherCommentary on Carol Cober, Susanna Smart, and Jeanie Williams' "A Preliminary Inquiry on Rosen Method and Mindfulness: What We Notice" (Action Editor: Jane Pittsinger)
CommentaryJan Walker , Author, published in Parabola, The Quest, others on Buddhism, poetry, tea, Chinese arts Artist, teacher of Chinese brush paintingCommentaryJulia Cousins , LUDDA, CSTDReply to CommentariesSusanna Smart , RN, MSN, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner, Adult Psychiatric Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist, Board Certified Holistic Nurse, Kent, Ohio, USAReply to CommentariesCarol Cober , MS, LPC, LMT, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner, Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Massage TherapistJeanie C. Williams , Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner, Marketing Director, Editor, Writer & Poet -- Blessingway Authors' Services, Publisher of Rosen Method - An Approach to Wholeness & Wellbeing by Elaine Mayland, Ph.D.