Mentors — Find One or Be One!

The Rosen Institute recently had a conversation with Betty Ross regarding the Mentorship Program that she has developed.

RI: Welcome, Betty. Thanks for taking the time to tell us about this vibrant program. It doesn’t seem like a lot of Rosen people know about it. Can you introduce us to it?

Betty: Sure. The primary aim of the Mentorship Program is to assist new Rosen Bodywork practitioners and Movement teachers in clarifying their intention, expanding their practice, and taking their business to the next level. We match up experienced mentors with newly certified people (mentees).

I wanted to create a support system for all new practitioners and anyone in Rosen Method who desires an adviser or advocate. This kind of pairing helps the mentees have someone to assist them as they expand their practice.

RI: What led you to start this program?

Betty: When I became a practitioner and no longer had one-to-one support from my supervisor, I experienced a great loss. I realized that if I was feeling this way, I was most likely not alone. As I thought about my need for a mentor for myself, I began to research mentorship programs to find out how they operate. I came up with a model we have used for almost 4 years now.

RI: How many people have been involved so far?

Betty: About 30 people.

RI: How does a pair typically begin their working together?

Betty: When people contact us, we link participants together to help facilitate the collaboration. We try to pair up people who haven’t known each other before. After that, the mentor and mentee decide how much time they are willing to devote to the relationship, for instance, beginning with once a month (as a suggestion). The ongoing dialogues can happen in person, but in most cases they are done by phone, Skype, or a similar app.

Mentees need to define their goals for their practice. Mentors can respond by projecting how they might facilitate the learning of their mentee consistent with their stated objective. Understanding each other’s goals and expectations definitely makes it mutually beneficial.

RI: We imagine that you have noticed other benefits to the program. Is that true?

Betty: Oh, yes, absolutely. For example, a lot of the participants feel the collaborative model is incredibly helpful. Also, the program has brought together people from different Rosen training centers and schools. Participants also report that having an overall action plan feels supportive and alive to them. And there is often a deepening relationship between two Rosen folks who “speak the same language.” These are all extra benefits.

RI: What is the time frame?

Betty: A one-year commitment is suggested to start. At the end of the year the pair decides how to proceed.

RI: Is there a fee or payment involved?

Betty: This is designed as a trade system, so there are no fees.

RI: How is the program evaluated?

Betty: There is a brief survey given to everyone to complete two or three times a year in order to evaluate it.

RI: As the program moves into its next several years, what are your hopes and dreams for it?

Betty: My hope is that active participation in this program will continue to support and empower the growth and sustainability of our professional Rosen Method businesses. Being part of this program can extend our lives as Rosen Method practitioners and Rosen Movement teachers.

RI: How do interested people get involved?

Betty: Great question! We are always looking to expand the program, so we welcome new mentors and mentees at any time. They can contact us by email or phone: or +1 (914) 582-1118.