Online Movement Intensive – Rosen Method UK
Marion Rosen designed a method for keeping the body fit and healthy through gentle movements. Rosen Method Movement is a practise of moving consciously in such a way that physical barriers are contacted, allowing for release and access to deeper sense of self by lengthening of muscles. In Rosen Method Movement, ‘healing’ manifests itself as a reclaiming of movements. The body begins to move again as a whole with the freedom of early childhood. Places long frozen and unconscious are released. These stuck places are experienced as moving merely because they are no longer held. Participants often experience new patterns of movement and alignment in their bodies and awareness of what free natural breath can be like.
Intensive led by Karen Vinding, Senior Movement Training Teacher and assistants.
Format: Zoom Online Course.
Dates: Introductory Meeting Thursday 12th November 2020 7pm – 1 hour
Friday 13th, Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th & Saturday 21, Sunday 22 November 2020
Hours; 10-12 noon and 2-4pm
Price: Early-bird £450 if paid before September 13th, thereafter £500.
Limited number of participants. Application process necessary.