Teacher Training Catalogue – Registration Form Name(Nécessaire) Prénom Nom Email(Nécessaire) PhoneCountry of Residence(Nécessaire) What languages do you speak?(Nécessaire)Please list the languages you feel comfortable teaching in. Your Training School/Center(Nécessaire)Which school oversees your training? Who is your mentor/Senior teacher overseeing your training?(Nécessaire) Number of teaching hours completed(Nécessaire)How many hours have you taught?Date of Bodywork Practitioner/movement teacher certification?(Nécessaire) MM slash JJ slash AAAA Date of Introductory Workshop Teacher certification (if applicable) MM slash JJ slash AAAA What do you hope to gain from co-teaching at another school/location?(Nécessaire)Feel free to answer in languages other than English.What would you like to bring to an intensive/RM workshop as a co-teacher from a different region/country?Feel free to answer in languages other than English.Consent(Nécessaire) I give my permission for the above information to be included in the 'Teacher-in-Training Catalogue' and shared with the teaching faculty and school owners of certified Rosen Method schools and for my primary supervisor to be contacted regarding my training progress.Please upload a photo to be included with your profileTaille max. des fichiers : 50 MB. Δ