Building collaboration: Growing your idea for a journal article (and other writing ideas).

Do you have an idea for a Journal article and don’t know where to begin?
How do you grow your idea? How do you find the resources and the support you need to turn your idea into a finished article? RMIJ authors Gail Bourque, Carol Cober and Anette Kögler are here to help! They will be walking participants through the process of writing an article. Come share your ideas, meet others also interested in writing and gain some practical advice and support for your project. You may find a collaborator in the process!
November 17th @ 10am PST / 19h CET
Gail Bourque developed collaborative research interviewing practitioners to write ‘Leave Taking and Relationship Endings in RMB Sessions’. Recently Gail pursued her interest in gender and RMB practice and helped to create the Rosen Gender Group who collaborated together in the article published in the most recent journal edition.
Carol Cober has been involved in two collaborative pieces: ‘A Preliminary Inquiry on Rosen Method and Mindfulness: What We Notice‘; and ‘An Initial Inquiry: Thoughts on Rosen Method and Spirituality Part 1 & Part 2‘
Anette Kögler is currently developing, with others, an article exploring internship in Rosen Method. She will speak about this developing article during the webinar.