Volume 7 Issue 1 | 2014
EditorialAlan Fogel , Ph.D., L.M.T., Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Senior Teacher, Editor Emeritus, Rosen Method International Journal
The Safe Container of Interpersonal RelationshipsIvy Green , Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Teacher, Saugerties, New YorkAction Editor Alan Fogel , Ph.D., L.M.T., Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Senior Teacher, Editor Emeritus, Rosen Method International JournalDet trygge rum i interpersonelle relationerIvy Green , Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Teacher, Saugerties, New YorkAttachment Patterns and Emotional Regulation in Interpersonal RelationshipsIvy Green , Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Teacher, Saugerties, New YorkAction Editor Alan Fogel , Ph.D., L.M.T., Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Senior Teacher, Editor Emeritus, Rosen Method International JournalA Preliminary Inquiry on Rosen Method and Mindfulness: What we Notice, by Carol Cober, Susanna Smart, and Jeanie Williams (Action Editors: Jane Pittsinger and Alan Fogel)Carol Cober , MS, LPC, LMT, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner, Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Massage TherapistSusanna Smart , RN, MSN, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner, Adult Psychiatric Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist, Board Certified Holistic Nurse, Kent, Ohio, USAJeanie C. Williams , Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner, Marketing Director, Editor, Writer & Poet -- Blessingway Authors' Services, Publisher of Rosen Method - An Approach to Wholeness & Wellbeing by Elaine Mayland, Ph.D.Commentaries (Action Editors: Lotti Vialle-Maibach and Alan Fogel)
Commentary on Mikael Kindborg's "Rosen Movements and Words"Lotti Vaille-Maibach , RMB Practitioner, Certified Teacher, RMM Teacher TrainerCommentary on Mikael Kindborg's "Rosen Movements and Words"Catherine MacGuinness , RN, PHN; Bodywork Practitioner, Movement Teacher, Introductory Workshop TeacherReply to CommentariesMikael Kindberg , Ph.D, Certified RMM TeacherReports from the Rosen Institute
Building Our Space to Listen, Give Voice and to Be Heard, by Mariette Berinstein, is an open invitation for everyone to attend the upcoming Rosen Method Global Congress in Whistler, BC, Canada (Action Editor: Jeanie Williams)Mariette Berinstein , RMB Practitioner, Senior Bodywork TeacherJeanie C. Williams , Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner, Marketing Director, Editor, Writer & Poet -- Blessingway Authors' Services, Publisher of Rosen Method - An Approach to Wholeness & Wellbeing by Elaine Mayland, Ph.D.