A New Memoir by Odile Atthalin, founder of the Rosen Method Open Center

Odile Atthalin, founder of the Rosen Method Open Center, has written a new memoir entitled Godmother: An Unexpected Journey, Perfect Timing and Small Miracles.  She has written a special note to the Rosen Method Community and we would like to share a part of it here.  To read the complete message and learn more about the book please visit her website.  We would like to congratulate Odile on her wonderful accomplishment!

« This memoir might be of interest to [the Rosen Method community], although Rosen Method is not the main focus of my Memoir, it tells how I came to Rosen Method.

I found the Rosen Method as a calling at the end of a long search for healing, at age 50, guided by some unconscious vague sense of what I was looking for. I knew it was « not this, not that », not just psychology, not just psychoanalysis, not just becoming a meditation teacher, nor a teacher of eastern practices, not just hatha yoga nor bhakti, nor kundalini, nor tantra yoga, and not dance therapy either.  I studied Eutony and Feldenkreis, but although all were most beneficial to my own personal process, none felt as my calling, my life’s work, as a practitioner or teacher.

I had been leaning towards practices which included the physical body and the emotional body, slowly integrating head and heart.  When a new friend invited me to receive a training session supervised by Marion Rosen, I had never heard of the Rosen Method.  At the end of their work together with me as their patient, listening to them and sensing their hands on my  body, I knew I had found it.  I did not know why, but I was convinced that this was my work, I recognized it, as if I had it in me all along waiting for me to get it.

I had no  idea where this feeling came from, and I did not mention it to anyone.  I went through the 3-year long training including internship as fast as I could, got certified, call ed myself a Rosen method practitioner and started seeing clients.  Almost overnight I had a full practice.  This was it.  This was exactly what I had always wanted to do.

It’s only a few months later, after seeing one of my clients, at the end of the day, that I remembered the defining healing experiences I had when I was 8 years old.  To read the full account, get the book! Long Live Rosen Method »