The Rosen Institute will be hosting webinars throughout the year to expand the continuing education opportunities for all Rosen Method professionals. The first webinar of 2018 will feature Alan Fogel, PhD, Senior Teacher and bodywork practitioner. Registration is now open.
The Practitioner’s Body: An Introduction to Using our own Embodied Experience as a Guide to Working with Clients in Rosen Method Bodywork with Alan Fogel, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Senior Teacher
February 27th at 10:30am-12pm PST
When working with clients, we sometimes experience feelings of not knowing what to do. We can feel lost and anxious and begin to wonder if we are capable, if we will ever become good at this work. Our Rosen Method Bodywork training teaches us to become comfortable with this “not knowing” but what if those feelings are not just our own uncertainties? What if those feelings are a reflection of how our bodies are “listening” to the client? Maybe the specific feelings of the practitioner are important clues about how the client is feeling? What might the client be experiencing when we feel lost or grounded, despairing or hopeful, irritable or pleased, frustrated or relaxed, bored or interested, sleepy or excited, tense or relaxed during a session? This webinar is an introduction to ways of creating a somatic resonance with clients that allows us to trust and relax into our own embodied self-awareness for use as a guide to bring the client closer to their own relaxation and awareness.