Rosen Journal Submission and Review Process
Whenever an article is submitted to the journal by an author or co-authors, the presumption will be that it has the potential to be published in the journal. Each article, however, must meet the following criteria for inclusion. The article:
- Must be SUBSTANTIALLY ABOUT ROSEN METHOD BODYWORK AND/OR MOVEMENT (although it can cover related topics, for example, comparisons to psychotherapy, neuroscience, Feldenkrais, or other disciplines).
- It must make AN ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTION to knowledge about Rosen Method (more than a re-hashing of what has already been written, and something that is not seen as primarily self-promoting or entrepreneurial).
- It should not contain news or announcements that are more appropriate to newsletters and email distribution lists.
- It must be written in CLEAR AND CONCISE LANGUAGE applicable to a wide readership. It should contain the following sections: Title, authors, abstract (around 500 words) including, if appropriate, sections such as introduction, methods, results/findings and discussion/conclusions.
- References and citations – if needed – should use the standard for international publications developed by the American Psychological Association (see ).
- The author must be WILLING TO MAKE CHANGES or provide convincing rationales for not making changes suggested by the editor and the reviewers as needed to meet the editorial standards given here, and for the purpose of clarifying and enhancing the contribution of the article.
- The authors assume responsibility for content that may have been the result of plagiarism or misattribution of sources. The submission cannot have been published in other journals before publication in this journal, nor can an article published in this journal be published elsewhere without permission of the editor. In such cases, this journal needs to be cited as the original source. Authors cannot submit their article to another publication while it is being reviewed for this journal.
In order to maintain the journal’s editorial policies and standards, each article submitted to the journal will be reviewed by an action editor and at least two other members of the Rosen Method community who are qualified in the topic of the submission and who are willing to serve as a reviewer.
The ACTION EDITOR is a member of the editorial board assigned to be the primary editor of a particular article. Reviews will be submitted to the action editor who will summarize suggestions for revision, including those of the reviewers and action editor. Normally, the reviewers will come from the editorial board, but in some cases the action editor may wish to find reviewers outside the board with special qualifications, knowledge and experience. In order to minimize bias in the evaluation of submitted articles, reviews will be „double blind“ (the author will see the written reviews but not the reviewer’s names and the reviewers will not be given the name of the author). The action editor will consult with the editor during and at the end of this process to make decisions about acceptance or rejection.
Articles must be submitted in English. After the article has gone through the review process and is revised and accepted for publication, the author may translate the article into his or her native language. The editorial board provides consultation and English-language editing for authors whose native language is not English. At a minimum, each article may contain a native-language title and detailed native-language abstract that is a direct translation of the English abstract of the accepted article.
An issue of the journal will be published online when there are a sufficient number of acceptable articles, usually at least two articles. There will be two issues per year, assuming there are a sufficient number of publishable articles.
All submissions must be in a format specified by the journal’s editorial board.
Electronic media such as photographs, images, video and audio files may be submitted with an article, as specified by the journal’s editorial board.
Upon formal submission of an article to the journal, authors will be asked to complete an E-DOCUMENT stating any conflicts of interest they may have, whether they abide by the Rosen Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, and whether they are members of the Rosen Institute. Conflicts of interest arise when authors have the potential for financial gain based on the articles they submit. A Rosen Method Center or School owner or faculty member, for example, may write an article about the history of the Center or new teaching methods. In this case, the author would declare their connection to the Center.
All authors will be asked to check a box stating that they have read and abide by the Rosen Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, that their article was prepared in compliance with this code, and that it has never been published elsewhere. Finally, authors who are Rosen Method professionals will be asked to check a box stating that they have paid their dues and are current members in good standing of the Rosen Institute.
Reviewers and editorial board members will also be asked to complete this e-document. Authors, reviewers, and editors who are not Rosen Method professionals will be asked to check a box on this e-document stating that they are members of their own relevant professional organization or have other qualifications that show expertise in the topic of the submission.
Please click here to download the Conflich of Interest, Ethics and E-verification policy