With great disappointment, the Global Congress committee has decided to postpone the congress once again. As many of you will understand, the global pandemic situation is still changing. Although we are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel, we want to make sure that everyone has a chance to recover, return to their work and social lives, and be able to safely and comfortably travel before we meet together in person.
With all that in mind, we are now looking forward and hope that a spring/early summer 2022 Global Congress is possible.
Until then, the GC committee is going to be looking at organizing a small online ‚appetizer‘ event in November 2021 to keep your excitement high for the next Congress. We will let you know more about this event soon.
As always, we look forward to meeting in person. It will be all the more sweet for the distance and challenges we’ve all faced throughout the last year and a half.
Warm Regards,
Global Congress Organizing Committee