Are you interested in writing an article for the journal or building on your creative and collaborative energy?
Bring your ideas and questions! The first writers’ gathering in November 2021 was so much fun. It was inspiring for everyone to hear and share ideas.
This time we will use breakout rooms to collaborate on common themes and take our first chat a little further for those of you who would like some practical guidance for next steps. We will go over the writing process and hope to pair you with someone with helpful suggestions/ comments who can by your ally as you begin your creative journey.
Carol Cober, former Journal Editor, has written several articles for the journal and will be on hand to answer questions and make suggestions, as will Ivy Green, the author of several articles in the Journal and the book Relaxation, Awareness and Resilience: Rosen Method Bodywork Science and Practice
If you’ve written for the journal before please come and share your experiences or recommendations. We would love to have you there.
The journal is an important place where we can share our passion, learning and questions!
We’re delighted to share this poem by John Bosman who is one of our RMIJ Board Members based in Australia.