New Member Registration

This page registers a new user with wp_login_form + ACF fields

New members (or current members creating an online account), please fill out the below form with all the required information. Once you have completed the form, you will need to pay your membership dues to be listed in the public members directory and access members-only content. All members will be sent a membership certificate via email.

If you already have an online account, please log in here if you wish to pay your annual dues or edit your account info.

Create a Username & Password

Members will now have access to a «Members’ Area» with additional specialized resources and functions. Please create a username and password below to be used to access this new website feature, and to manage your dues.

Note: Only use lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, and no spaces.
Strength: None
Minimum Strength: "Medium"
Hint: Password should be at least 7 characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like ! * ? $ % ^ &.

Member Info (New Account)

Must begin with http://

Must begin with http://

Additional contact email

Enter the information below for your listing in the Member Directory instead of the information provided above.

Must begin with http://

Must begin with http://

Enter the information below for the second location where you practice.

Must begin with http://

Must begin with http://

If member of a Rosen Method Professional Association (RMPA)