Through an invitation by a Lithuanian woman living in Switzerland, a new chapter has begun to bring the work across borders to a new country. This woman is convinced that Lithuanian people need this work and are ready for it. So we started to organize a year ago with lots of help and efforts on her part. A group of 24 Lithuanian and Latvian women, along with a Lithuanian translator, received Thierry Francois (France) and myself, Nadia Froidevaux (Switzerland) warmly on a cold fall day in a classroom of the university of physical therapy and sports. The group, mostly professionals in therapy modalities, was eager to discover a new technique and tool to heal people. The curiosity was the drive to meet.
After the first day some students were left confused or disoriented in regards to the simplicity and the absence of technical responses. Some were trying to compare it with things they know from other modalities but were left with the challenge to be with the unknown or uncertainty. To find oneself all of a sudden in the space of the unknown can be very uncomfortable and insecure. We mentioned to trust in the work and that they needed to wait and have patience.
The next day the quality of the group work changed and a few mentioned that the night helped them to settle into this space of being, letting go, trust and presence. We noticed through the sharing circle that a lot of confusion had subsided. The work developed slowly and gently and at the end of the course most of the participants had made a step towards a connection to the deeper self. Their expressions and interactions changed. Smiles and shining faces started to warm up the room, joy and beauty, peace and love, connection and discoveries were expressed. The strength and simplicity of this work were once again felt intensely.
We wish to express our gratitude towards each one of the group for receiving us with such warmth. Equally are we grateful towards life for the chance to be a witness of the growth of this work of presence and to continue being at service. It seems that the lasting words of a participant may say it best: “ I want more of this!”