Volume 9 Issue 1 | 2016
EditorialCarol Cober , MS, LPC, LMT, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner, Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Massage TherapistPractice
Essential Motion: An Improvisational Movement Approach to Embodied Awareness and Its Relationship to Rosen Method BodyworkKaren Roeper , MS Counseling and Dance Therapy Rosen Method Senior teacher and Found of Essential Motionwith Jane Flint , MA Human DevelopmentRelational Somatic Presence - Meeting Trauma in Rosen Method BodyworkShantika Bernard , PhD, Somatic Therapist, Rosen Method Bodywork PractitionerCommentary on Riitta Hoffren-Larsson's article, From Touching to Supportive Caring: Results from Two Studies on Rosen Method Bodywork (Rosen Method International Journal, 8, Issue 2, pp. 6-24)
CommentaryAlan Fogel , Ph.D., L.M.T., Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner and Senior Teacher, Editor Emeritus, Rosen Method International JournalCommentaryJanie-Rae Crowley , RN (retired), BScN a Rosen Method Bodywork Intern, Edmonton, Alberta CanadaCommentarySusanna Smart , RN, MSN, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner, Adult Psychiatric Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist, Board Certified Holistic Nurse, Kent, Ohio, USACommentaryCatherine MacGuinness , RN, PHN; Bodywork Practitioner, Movement Teacher, Introductory Workshop TeacherResponse to CommentariesRiitta Hoffren-Larsson , Registered Nurse (RN); MSc Behavioral Sciences; Licentiate of Philosophy Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society: Division of Nursing, Karolinska, Institutet