Workshop: Being with Challenging Clients – Berkeley, CA

February 28 – March 3rd

  • Learn how to prevent re-traumatization.
  • Help clients integrate aspects of themselves that may have disparate feelings and goals.
  • Maintain presence and connection in the face of hard-to-handle emotions and stories.
  • Understand why attuned presence is essential in transforming trauma symptoms.

The course consists of lectures, Rosen movement, table work in pairs and sharing.

Recommended reading: Relaxation, Awareness, Resilience by Ivy Green; Trauma Therapy with Method Bodywork by Anais Saliban (available at the Rosen International Journal, Vol.8, Issue 1)


Location: SHE STUDIOS, 825 Bancroft Way

Berkeley, CA

Dates: Feb 28th-March 3rd

Time: 9am-5pm

Tuition:$700 with $50 late fee after Feb 7th

Space is limited so register early

Register at

or call 510.845.6606