Global Congress

2023 Rosen Method Global Congress – We want to tell you all about it!

Claire Palo, diciembre 8, 2023

The Rosen Method Global Congress held in Sarajevo convened over 130 Rosen people from 26 countries. The Congress, jointly organized by the Rosen Institute and the Balkan Rosen Method Centar, offered a dynamic exploration of the Rosen Method under the theme ‘Peace Across Inner and Outer Borders.’ The congress included twenty engaging workshops, including two ... Read more

The 2022 Annual Report is here!

Claire Palo, mayo 29, 2023

  Last year the Rosen Institute had some wonderful accomplishments with the help of our amazing members.  Read highlights of the report below or login to the members area to view the complete report including a message from our Board President, Mette Finnebråten. Membership Membership numbers increased in 2022 especially among students; student members almost ... Read more

It’s official! The Congress will go forward in October

Claire Palo, mayo 26, 2023

  We have met our minimum attendance goals therefore the congress will go forward.  Thank you all for registering and sending in your program proposals. There is still lots of time to register for the Congress and join this amazing gathering of Rosen people. For more information and to register click here. (or in Bosnian) ... Read more

Rosen Method Global Congress 2023 – The dates are here!

Claire Palo, noviembre 11, 2022

Thank you to everyone who answered our poll.  With your preferred choices in mind we now have the dates for the next Congress! The Rosen Institute and the Rosen Metod Centar BiH are so excited to invite you again to Sarajevo and look forward to finally coming together in person. The Rosen Method community in ... Read more

Global Congress 2017 – Notes from keynote speeches now available!

Claire Palo, febrero 14, 2018

As mentioned during the congress, summaries of the two keynote speeches are now available on the website.  Please read and share these notes.  We hope that these are useful for both those who attended and those unable to travel to Tallinn.  These notes will also be placed in the online library for future reference. Safety, ... Read more

Fun and Inspiring Days at the Global Congress 2017

Claire Palo, noviembre 21, 2017

The 7th Annual Leaders Meeting and Global Congress was a wonderful 5 days of connection, collaboration and learning.  We would like to send out a big thank you to all who came!  We feel so inspired and renewed and look forward to building strong Rosen Method relationships across the globe. We also give a big ... Read more

2017 Global Congress: A Sneak Peek at the Program

Claire Palo, abril 28, 2017

The 2017 Global Congress organizing team has released a first peek at the amazing workshops planned for November in Tallinn, Estonia. Although the program is still to be completed, this first look will give attendees and those still wanting to register an idea of the high-caliber content, knowledge and expertise to be shared. Have a ... Read more

The German school celebrates 25 years

Claire Palo, abril 19, 2017

Rosen Methode Körperarbeit Deutsches Zentrum, the German Rosen Method school, is celebrating 25 years since the start of the school.  Read below the beautiful tribute to the school and its history written by Juliane Knoop, school founder. — «When you return to Germany please open up a school» Marion said this to me when I ... Read more

Global Congress 2017: Keynote Speakers Announced

Claire Palo, marzo 8, 2017

The keynote speakers for the 7th Leaders Meeting and Global Congress (Nov 1-5th, 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia) have been announced.  The organizing team is very excited to have both these wonderful researchers come and share their insights. These are just two of the amazing presentations that will be held during the Congress.  The program will ... Read more