Rosen Institute Ethics Policies
Rosen Institute policies support and protect professionals in their Rosen Method practice and training as well as clients who benefit from the services of Rosen Method professionals. The Ethical Principle, Scope of Practice, and Professional Code of Conduct was adopted by the Board in October of 2014, replacing an older version from 1996. This policy is accompanied by a Practitioner’s Pledge and a Student’s Pledge.
These policies have been translated in a number of languages and can be downloaded for your reference.
Rosen Institute Ethical Council
The Rosen Institute Ethical Council (RIEC) was created in 2017 and is made up of one Senior Teacher (Chair), and three other Rosen Institute members (training teachers, movement teachers or bodywork practitioners). All members are elected by the ATG and RI Board.
The purpose of the RIEC is to:
- Create documents to guide the workings of the RIEC, and revise and update Rosen Institute Ethics documents as needed.
- Provide support, training, and education in professional ethics for RI members, RMPAs, and Rosen Method Training Centers.
- Investigate allegations of professional misconduct in order to protect those who practice and those who receive the Rosen Method. The RIEC presides over ethical issues that have not already been resolved at the local or country level.
The RIEC can be contacted directly at
Bosnian Language
- Etički principi, oblast primjene i kodeks profesionalnog ponašanja za Rozen metodu i Rozen pokrete
- Etička zakletva
- Etičke obaveze učenika
Croatian Language
- Etički principi, oblast primjene i kodeks profesionalnog ponašanja za Rozen metodu i Rozen pokrete
- Etička zakletva
- Etičke obaveze učenika
Danish Language
- Etiske principper, fagområde og faglige retningslinjer for professionel adfærd for Rosenmetodens kropsarbejde og bevægelser
- Etisk løfte
- Elevers etiske forpligtelse
English Language
- Ethical Principles, Scope of Practice and Code of Professional Conduct
- Practitioner Ethical Pledge
- Student Pledge
Finnish Language
- Rosen-metodia ja Rosen-liikuntaa koskevat eettiset ja ammatilliset ohjeet sekä käytännesäännöt
- Rosen-metodi, opiskelijan eettinen sitoumus
- Rosen-ammattilaisen eettinen sitoumus
French Language
- Principes Ethiques, Champ d’Activité et Code de Déontologie Professionnelle pour le Travail Corporel et le Mouvement de la Méthode Rosen
- Engagement étique des professionnels de la Méthode Rosen
- Engagement moral de l’étudiant
German Language
Norwegian Language
Russian Language
Serbian Language
- Etički principi, oblast primene i kodeks profesionalnog ponašanja za Rozen metodu i Rozen pokrete
- Etička zakletva
- Etičke obaveze učenika