Emotional Anatomy – ONLINE
8.-12. March 2025
5-days online teaching by
Maja Skau-Olsen, Senior teacher in Rosen Method bodywork Denmark
In this workshop we will look into details on how we use the Musculo-skeletal-system to hold back emotions and memories. This means that we will look at the physical structures (bones, connective tissue, muscles), we will explore the movements, that tensions in specific muscles holds back, and how that can lead us towards experiencing which emotions are being held back in a specific area. We will look at interactive pictures and feel in to our own bodies. Do exercises and share.
This workshop will be focused on the back, belly, pelvis and legs. In the fall 2025 there will be planned an Emotional Anatomy 1 with the focus of chest, breathing, arms and head/neck. Both workshops are built, so you can start with either one.
To participate you have to be a 2. level student or Intern or Practitioner -you need to have own bodily experiences with the way Rosen Method bodywork works both as client and as practitioner.
Before the teaching you will receive a program, that will include the list of muscles we will study in details, so you can prepare yourself, if you want.
And as an extra service you will after the workshop get a personal access code to videos of the teaching in a period of 14 days. Only the teacher and the pictures in the shared screen will be recorded. No sharings or personal talks after exercises will be recorded, but if you ask a question during the recorded teaching, your question will be recorded.
There is a maximum of 14 participants for this event.
The teaching is conducted in English and there is not room for translations.
Price: 690 euros, early bird price 640 euros if you sign up before 1. September 2024
Time: each day from 10.00 – 12.30 + 14.00 – 15.30 CET
Sign up or get more information : majaskau@gmail.com
About the teacher:
Before I met Rosen Method I worked as nurse and anatomy teacher.
I have been teaching emotional anatomy for 20 years, and keep on getting surprised by new aspects. In this workshop I want to pass on what I have been taught and include my own experiences from working with clients, students and my own body.
I prefer to teach in person, but I also have experienced that online teaching of emotional anatomy, can reach deep both professional and personal.